Playground Inspection
Playground and sports field inspection
For over 15 years, we have specialized in playground and sports field inspections. We offer a turnkey service to validate the conformity of your installations according to the CSA Z614 standard.
Our clients are Daycare Services, School Service Centers, municipalities and other managers of sports or recreational areas such as campgrounds.
In order to evaluate the risks of injury and accident, we carry out the measurements and tests required by the CSA Z614 standard.
Our inspector has the necessary training and certification (CPRA and JASQI), affiliation to a professional order, as well as civil and professional liability insurance up to $2M, allowing the certification of your playground installations.

Take advantage of our expertise, with over 15 years of experience in playground and sports field inspections. Numerous references are available upon request.
We use a TriAxe of the latest generation, allowing us to evaluate the shock-absorbing safety of your surfaces (HIC and Gmax), with up-to-date calibration. This test equipment simulates a cranial trauma index, applying the EN 11177 and ASTM 1292 standards.
We intervene in most regions of Quebec and quickly in most cases. Clear and concise inspection reports are usually sent within 3 working days.
We advise you free of charge on the best possible approach. We also accompany you in the event of potential non-compliance, the best approach to compliance, or any question related to modifications to your outdoor facilities (expansion, replacement of the cushioning surface, etc.).