Playground Inspection
The psychomotor development of the child is essential for the development of his brain, but also for his social skills and his self-esteem.
Numerous studies show the benefits of risk-taking for children in the face of a challenge so that they can explore their limits by themselves and face their freedom of choice; all this through well-measured supervision and an environment where they feel safe enough to take risks.
Studies are also unanimous: when challenges are not accessible or not adapted, the child is all the more likely to take refuge behind a screen, a video game to satisfy a need for exploration, for escape.

The playground allows the user to safely explore his body's spatial displacement, experiment, progress at his own pace, work on balance and social interactions, and empathize.
An uncontrolled movement, such as the slide or the swing, is linked to many benefits in children. This may be why they are so popular with children.
It is important to remember that play is a child's natural learning strategy.